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Sandra Minuzzo and Davide Cerini open the studio in Milano in 2007. From here they collaborate with a small number of employees and a network of qualified and specialized suppliers who are growing together through their creations. The interest of the Studio targets complex projects and demanding clients, interested in architecture, design and a lifestyle that creates  space for personal interests, well-being and relationships. Their clients mostly foreigners, are driven by a particular interest in the «Italian style», for the ability to blend different cultures taking the best from each. Therefore, are born Projects that combine the rehabilitation of historic buildings to modern addition of new parts, with the incorporation of furniture and made on measure solutions, design pieces and collectibles. Sandra completed her studies at the University Institute of Architecture in Venice and completed her training with a PhD from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Trento. Her passion for research, cultural deepening of the project and the attention to detail make her  the artistic soul and the studio’s critic. Davide graduated in Architecture at the Polytechnic of Milan and completed his studies at Columbia University in New York. With the experience gained in the family in the furniture industry and interior solutions, from 1999 he began working with the Milan studios. He loves challenges, major projects, teamwork and the international spirit of this profession. Thanks to these two souls, united in life and work, clients are guided, in a continuous comparison, through the multiple phases of the project, in order to create each time a tailor-made solution.

Architetto Davide Cerini . Via Legnone 4 20158 Milano 

P.I. 01922290208

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